New employment support service launches in Northumberland A new employment service opening today offers local people struggling with their mental health the opportunity to work with an employment advisor. The service is available to anyone accessing support from NHS Northumberland Talking Therapies to help people with mental health problems depression find, stay in, or return to work. Recent data from HSE showed that stress, depression, or anxiety accounted for 49% of all work-related ill health in 2022/23. The new offer aims to bring together therapists and employment advisors to provide advice and guidance that is understanding of how mental health difficulties can impact people at work or looking for work. Derek Francis, Employment Advisor said: "We offer people a wide range of support from CV development and interview practice, to help to speak to managers about mental health issues. We know that good employment can have many benefits for our mental health, and we want to help people to feel confident to achieve their goals." The service is commissioned by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) and delivered by Mental Health Matters, who already deliver the local talking therapy service. Chloe Mann, Place Director for North Cumbria, Northumberland and North Tyneside at CNTW, said: "We're delighted to be able to offer employment support to more residents in Northumberland, helping more people pursue work and build careers. Manage Cookie Preferences