Barnsley Support Hub attend HomeFest in support of young people’s mental health Barnsley Support Hub attended HOMEFest on the 9th December to help raise awareness of the work the hub is doing in supporting mental health among young people and the wider community. HOMEFest is run by Chilypep, a local charity whose aim is to support children and young people up to the age of 25 that struggle with their mental health in the South Yorkshire region. The event brought together young people and local services to showcase the HOME (Helping Our Mental ‘ealth) programme and its successes over its first year. Our Barnsley Support Team hosted a stand at the event, speaking to numerous people around the service and the areas in which Mental Health Matters can support young people, along with answering any queries around the wider work the Hub does. Team Manager Peta said, ‘People were fully involved in the event with great presentations from the young people who attended. It was fantastic to see lots of interest in the support that could be offered and how it could help.’ Manage Cookie Preferences