“I initially met Will* at his home, where he lives with parents. Will explained to me how much he struggles to go out by himself, as he gets anxious being around a lot people on his own. His father accompanied him to attend appointments and go food shopping, but Will really wanted to be able to go out and socialise independently.

As a first step, I suggested that he tried attending a wellbeing 'cafe' drop-in which we run on Wednesday afternoons in the nearby town. Unfortunately on the day Will felt so anxious that he called me and told me he didn’t feel able to travel there alone. I reassured him that we would work on it together, and the next week I called him a few days before the next drop-in to chat and ease some of his worries. On the morning that we were due to meet, I rang Will again to check in with him and to reassure him I would be waiting for him in town. Will, feeling nervous but supported, took the bus and met me at the wellbeing cafe! I was so pleased to see him, and he was really impressed by his achievement as it was a big first step for him. We have agreed to keep meeting at the wellbeing cafe to build up his confidence travelling, and eventually we hope to explore new places further afield to allow him to be truly independent.

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* This case study is from a real client of MHM, but the names have been changed and the photo has been staged by an actor to protect their privacy.