On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, our Graduate Bid Writer, Ava Mann reflects on working at Mental Health Matters and the importance of mental health support for the LGBTQIA+ Community.

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ Community, you are constantly 'coming out' which is something particularly daunting when you start a new job. I am so fortunate and grateful to have an accepting and open-minded team at Mental Health Matters who allow me to feel confident in my true self, helping me to reach my potential in my role. It is also extremely important to see others throughout the organisation openly expressing their support for the Community, sharing pronouns on email signatures to reduce the stigma for others, and being open about their own personal experiences.

While I am fortunate enough to feel comfortable at work, we live in challenging times where the Community is constantly victim to prejudice and persecution, and at a greater risk of poor mental health. We are pressured to hide our true identities, but providing mental health support will offer a lifeline and an opportunity to share our feelings and thoughts when we hide those as well; it is vital in keeping the LGBTQIA+ Community safe.


Left: Ava Mann Right: Nottingham Pride Parade