Knowsley Moving Forward Together have hosted their first quarterly event of 2023, inviting organisations within Knowsley to attend and changing the format so that they had stall holders to create a more relaxed environment for people in attendance.

The event was originally booked for December but due to the icy weather it had to be rescheduled however this meant it was a brilliant start to 2023 instead.

The service run an event similar to this each quarter as it is a brilliant opportunity for clients to come in and meet the groups that they signpost to, helping to reduce the barriers they may have and for the team to build relationships with organisations in the Knowsley area.

Team Manager Shanice said, "It was lovely having everyone get to together in a more informal environment, we had some brilliant feedback and what was different this time is having clients interested in starting within our service and having the opportunity to meet the team beforehand. We hope this continues to break down barriers for people and they have full understanding of how we are able to help."