As part of National Apprenticeship Week, our Business Development Apprentice Charlotte Chisholm has been telling us how she finds working at Mental Health Matters in her role.

"After leaving college, I always knew that I wanted to follow the apprenticeship route into a career that I’d enjoy. I had the opportunity to join Mental Health Matters team in November 2022 as a Business Development Apprentice where I have developed new skills within business, marketing and teamwork.

As part of my job role, I’m involved in creating social media posts, flyers and infographics. The creativity of the tasks is something I particularly enjoy. Learning how to process orders is a skill that I had no knowledge of prior to joining Mental Health Matters, however following training I can now carry this out independently. I have also gained a deeper understanding of how Mental Health Matters operate and how my tasks contribute to the business’ continued success. Developing skills whilst in the workplace is one of the main reasons why I thought an apprenticeship was suited to me as you obtain the knowledge and skills required whilst carrying them out within the working environment. Since being a part of Mental Health Matters, my teamwork deftness has progressed vastly, and I have advanced in completing independent duties.

I study one day per week at the Northern Skills Group in Newcastle where we cover topics such as sectors of the business industry and how they operate. I find my sessions at college absorbing and can apply the information I learn into my everyday working with Mental Health Matters.

I’m thoroughly enjoying completing my apprenticeship with Mental Health Matters and by the end of my course I hope to have obtained a higher level of skills and knowledge to be able to progress with the business in my future career."