Safeguarding MHM believe that everyone has the right to: Live their lives free from fear, violence, harassment, humiliation, degradation, abuse and neglect, and Live an independent lifestyle and make their own choices, even if some of those choices involve a degree of risk. We are fully committed to ensuring that all those who access or come into contact with our services are supported to understand and exercise this right. Our approach to safeguarding has been developed directly in line with the Care Act 2014 and informed by the act’s six principles which under pin all adult safeguarding work: Empowerment: we will support and encourage people to be in control and make their own decisions throughout the safeguarding process. We will support and encourage individuals to choose how involved they want to be. Prevention: we will do what we can to keep people safe and take action before harm occurs. Proportionality: we will always work in the best interests of the client and take the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk. Protection: we will help and support people to report abuse. Partnership: we will work effectively with our Local Safeguarding Adults Boards and other organisations to protect the welfare of individuals. We will not allow organisational boundaries to get in the way of this. Accountability: we understand our role and responsibilities with regard to safeguarding and we will ensure our staff understand and deliver theirs. To request a full copy of the MHM Safeguarding Adults Policy please email [email protected] or contact us on 0191 516 3500. Manage Cookie Preferences