Gateshead Floating Support Phone: 0300 323 0083Email: [email protected]Postal address: 204 Aidan House, Sunderland Road, Gateshead, NE8 3HU What we do: Gateshead Floating Support Service helps each person we work with to build their own 'My Future Matters' recovery action plan. We can provide: Coaching to set personal goals, which you will regularly review together. Help you maintain your wellbeing Help you access your local community Help you pursue your leisure interests Help you shop and cook healthily Coach you to budget your finances Prompt you to pay bills on time Help you attend appointments Help you Maintain your home Liaise with all professionals involved with our client's welfare, working in partnership to provide the best possible outcomes. Who is this service for? This service is for people aged 18 years and over, living in the Gateshead area. Accessing the service If you are seeking a referral, please contact your social worker, CPN, drug & alcohol worker, or another support worker to discuss your options, and they can make a referral on your behalf. Manage Cookie Preferences