Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07929 066 445
Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays)

    Welcome to Knowsley Moving Forward Together

    What we do:

      Knowsley Moving Forward Together provides IPS Employment Support to enable you to access employment opportunities. Staff will use their knowledge of person-centred care to empower you to recognise your employability and find work tailored to your aspirations. The team will also work closely with your local Secondary Mental Health Teams to ensure that your goal of gaining employment is part of your care plan and that everyone is supporting you to achieve this goal as part of your recovery.

      Read our latest bulletin: IPS Strand

      Who is this service for?

      Knowsley Moving Forward Together provides IPS Employment Support for Knowsley residents aged 18+, and who are currently being support by a Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) or an Early Intervention Team (EIT) within Knowsley.

      How do I access the service?

        The service can be accessed via self-referral or a referral from a healthcare professional. If you are a professional who would like to make a referral, please download the referral form here and return it to [email protected].

        Please check the above criteria prior to making a referral. If you have any questions, please contact the service directly.

        To self-refer, please contact the service via the contact details above.

        Why not follow us on Facebook for service updates!