The Newcastle Supported Housing team are starting a new 3-year project to be more environmentally friendly and to all become more aware of our impact.

Alisha Dixon, Practice Lead for Newcastle Supported Housing, said: “The plan will develop over the three years as we learn more about the subject and what we can practically do. We will be working with tenants to make this an everyday part of life at the service.”

We were pleased to find that the new gas system installed in the whole building has boosted the property up from a D to a C Energy Performance rating, and we would like to build upon this. The local authority have also offered to come along to the service and talk to clients about how to make energy savings in their home.

Some of the first actions in our ‘Green and Sustainable Plan’ for 2019-20 have been

  • Ordering a recycling bin for the property
  • Installing energy-saving light-bulbs
  • Encouraging each other to dry clothes on the line rather than using the tumble dryer (taking advantage of the lovely weather the North East has enjoyed recently!)

We also plan to walk more instead of driving, using the health apps available on our phones to count steps to measure our success. This will have the added benefit of helping us stay more active, which is really important for our physical and mental health! When we do need to travel further, we will car-share or use public transport wherever possible. We’re also excited to start growing our own herbs!

If your business or group would like to support us with our plans, or have any other ideas about how we can build on our efforts to be more sustainable, please get in touch with us via [email protected].

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