Our mental health can affect our daily lives in so many ways, so these services support you to overcome all sorts of obstacles. They might help you to gain confidence, socialise more if you’re feeling isolated, or find a hobby or coping strategy that works for you.
There's no 'one size fits all' way to improve everyone’s wellbeing. Instead, we provide you with one-on-one support with our Recovery Workers, who specialise in supporting your mental health to help you cope better in your daily life. A Recovery Worker will help you work towards what YOU want to do, building on your strengths and goals. They’ll be there for you on your journey towards independence and better mental health.
We provide the following community services:
The Adult Autism Support Hub offers free support to autistic people, aged 16 and above, and their (informal) carers and families in a welcoming and safe environment. Read more
Our Community Connectors help Leicester residents to access services and support in the community, before more formal social care is needed. Read more
Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service provides specialist care and support for those due to leave the Armed Forces, reservists and those who’ve already left. Read more
Pathways Advice and Information Service offers advice and information to residents of Gateshead who have mental health needs. Read more
The North West Leicester, Hinckley & Bosworth Mental Health Wellbeing & Recovery Service can support anyone aged 18 and over who is experiencing emotional and mental health problems, as well as their carers, by providing advice, information and support. Read more